Friday, April 15, 2016


My bones are shattered, my eyes can't see
A cancerous growth spreads all through me

I am pale, feel weak, there's just no energy
I think about my life, I don't feel me

My stomach, it is cramped, my feet, they are sore
The aches, the pains, they just continue to grow!

My pressure is high, I am in a dizzy spell
I have never in my life felt so unwell

I am weak and these words are uttered in pain
For every little breath is just such a strain

I lie in this bed, confined to a life I can't live
I feel so wasted, there is just nothing to give

I twitch in convulsions, horrid and bad
My body is gone, my mind is just mad

And, thus paralysed, I lie sadly insane
Fighting each moment in a life full of pain

Who am I, you may ask, quite rightly so
Because my laments they just grow and grow

I will tell you, my friend, because I have little to give
I am this planet – the world in which you live!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a twist at the end v unexpected sounded so human, most of us hav lost touch with mother Earth the way v should hav been...