Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Art in Life

'Tis an art to live
For the portrait of one's life
Is not easy to draw.

Your choice of canvas
You must discern
And the lens of subtlety
Prudently learn

The depths of emotion
You must tint and shade
Its vibrant colours
Passionately grade

The people around
You must artfully stroke
And in the correct oils
Your brushes soak

Traces of reality
With skill, reflect
Small strokes of meaning
At your peril, neglect

The vagaries of situations
With deliberation, you paint
Leave no negligent smudges
That, could, your canvas taint

Yet, expect no praise
From all around
And take the stings
Of criticism as they abound


'Tis an art to live
And the portrait of one's life
Is not easy to draw.