Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thoughts of a student in an examination hall

(This is a stream of consciousness attempt to empathize with students writing a tough Literature exam.)

This is tough …this word…insidious
What does it mean? Let me think…
Ah! Think? That is what I have been doing
Thinking…thinking…thinking for the last two weeks

Thinking…using my imagination
For that last English paper
Now, tell me, why would I need to write a story
If I am going to study medicine.

Thinking…using my memory
To remember that math formula
Now, tell me, is memory the sign of intelligence?
Oh no! My poor memory now hides a discerning mind.

Thinking…using my reason
To formulate that economics essay
I remember discussing this concept so vividly in class
But now, my writing skills….they belittle such discussion

Thinking…using my luck
Guessing the possible answer
To those tricky multiple choice questions
Where all the choices seemed the right answer
Guess? Right?

Right? Write!
O my god! See what this one word has done!
Gradually taking me on treacherous thoughts
Insidious? My mind is blank…
Let’s continue this essay anyway…Write!

Yeah, everyone seems to be writing
And look…look at that moron staring
At all of us with that smirk on his face
I wonder if he knew ‘insidious’ when he was my age
Wait! I wonder if he knows it NOW!

Anyway, that is my fate…
A future shackled by ‘marksism’
An intelligence deranged by memory
A rationale let down by writing
And choices hinging on luck.

A futile attempt this…another failure
On examining – trying to – an examination!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Elves' Song

We are Santa’s little helpers, here today
To bring a little Christmas along your way
It’s time for cheer and for Santa, you know
Time for a little, “Ho, ho, ho!”

We are Santa’s little helpers, and here we sing
As reindeer fly and the sleigh bells ring
And we hope that wherever we sing and go
We’ll leave behind a little “Ho, ho, ho!”

We are Santa’s little helpers, with toys we come
To bring a little Christmas cheer and fun
To bring some gifts and tell you to pause
And spend some time with Santa Claus

Ho, ho, ho, little gifts we bear
Our time with you we’d like to share
Ho, ho, ho, let this Christmas be
A time of joy for you and me!

Ho, ho, ho, here’s Santa Claus
Let’s clap for him, hear the applause
For, he is, indeed, the symbol of joy
Found in the heart of every Christmas toy.