Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Memories To Cherish

A tribute to the Simba International School Class of 2009.

There is this class that I have come to know
In the years I have been here - totalling four
But now it’s time for them to leave, to depart
And on new ventures or in new places make a start.

And to them , in this verse, I will pay tribute
Their humour, wit and character quietly salute
For in the time that I’ve been here
They have given me moments of much cheer.

No one in the hostel could ever be blamed
If they did not believe the grade that this lad claimed
That he had entered so that his wizardry he could spin
Who could it be, but Diminutive Dilan?

His partner in crime, when it comes to studies
Over talks in physics they have become buddies
But for many of you he has the longest surname you’ve heard
The guy many of you call Professor Richard.

From faraway you can see this lass giggle
And when she talks she does sometimes wriggle
Yes, she is full of spunk and the pool offers her much glee
For she loves to swim, ever-smiling Lesley.

Once part of a group called the Gossip Gangsters
She will go down as one of Simba’s cleverest pranksters
And she once chewed me out, my ears were in such pain
For she kept on chattering,, Lively Lorraine.

Perhaps one day this young lady might write a book
For she sometimes wanders with that day-dreaming look
That one often links with those who write a span
And she is the ever-imaginative young Fran.

There seemed a time when this lad seemed on course
To begin an adventurous career with the Royal Air Force
But thoughts of becoming a Chef have since then been
At the back of the mind of – who else – but Jonathan?

And if Lorraine once put my ears in a spin
They just could not manage to bear the din
When on a recent afternoon, such jabbering was spun
That I ran away from a loud and animated Anam.

When on my first class trip to Wildtracks I went
Many memorable moments with bubbly youngsters I spent
And it was there that I learnt it was so very easy
To “monkey” up a tree, especially if you are Zebreezy!

This lad’s sense of humour is nice, pretty cool
For he is the cheekiest lad there is in this school
And one afternoon, my time I was compelled to fill
With an engaging chess match with amusing Darrell

She may be short in stature, but on spunk she is tall
And she played her part in answering the “Indo-Zambia” call.
So full of life, animated, cheering her friends with so much glee
Let’s hear it my friends, for little Vidhi – and perhaps Billy!

Of late, she has said she might be going to Spain
And in that country she could have a lot to gain
And perhaps, eventually extend her spell
For Spain’s now become a tad more attractive for Anabel.

I will stop right here with this young lot
And move on to salute the other group that I’ve taught
A group that moves even further on, taking another huge leap
As their date with destiny they slowly begin to keep.

Monday mornings have always been so much fun
For I sprinkle class with takes on teams that have lost and won
On the weekend, in Premier League Games, home and away
And why, for The Gunners, it just wasn’t their day.

But, on such occasions, I would have to wear a shield
For two passionate fans, would, with piercing eyes, missiles wield
Ready, of course, to attack if I would dare even to say
That they were sad Arsenal fans, Kambole and Lombe

I am not naming you all, for it would take too much time
And this verse would become a rather meandering rhyme
But in preparing for this evening, this marvellous night
I thought of you all and how I possibly might

Tell you that the memories you offer every little while
Can often at many later moments offer many a smile
And, on behalf of the teachers here, I hope I make it clear
Each one of you has given us many memories dear.

And, it is our hope that as you all move on in life
To meet its ups and downs, its joy and strife
That you will continue to offer “Memories to Cherish”
For people who will then, your company greatly relish.

1 comment:

Ismail Hassan said...

It's an art really, to make a reader feel as if he knows the students. You did it! It's well written.