Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Casino of LIfe

You now move on to the playing fields of life
Where every move you make is – with risk –rife
Where change boasts of being the only constant
A terrible tyrant , fickle in a capricious instant.

And, in this game, chances you will have to take
For with them, fortunes you can make or break.
Either with a single, quick sleight of hand
Or with poker-faced patience, your cards command

At times you will have to go all out on a limb
Even though that streak of luck seems rather dim
For it seems better to give it all you’ve got
Than to simply sit and wait on naught

There will also be times when your luck rides high
And the prospect of success draws well on nigh
Go ahead, then, and give it all your very best
Play your cards right, not too close to your chest

At times high risk, will with great charm invite
You to share its rewards so sparkling bright
Then, remember your options to wisely weigh
So that you get the chance to play another day.

At times, you will have to on the table throw
And to wily opponents , your cards, show
For the game then demands some transparency
Tricks up your sleeve, for the world to see.

Show no fear, but all your worth bravely stake
On playing a move that will surely make
People admire your spirit, your dash and dare
At the courage you show when your luck is bare.

Yet, at times, you might, a rather poor hand play
And the next round seems dull, depressingly grey
Stop, reflect, – so that, this error you will not make
When you do, a brand new deck, quietly break

Laugh, smile, enjoy every game that you play
Energetically revel in every risk-fraught day
So that you can proudly exclaim with a final sigh
“I leave the casino of life with my fortune riding high. “

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