Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another Mother and Child

He takes her in his arms, looks her in the eye 
Whispers in her ear, lays her down with a sigh 
He then sits down beside her, tickles her toes 
As he caresses a brow that has absolutely no woes 
Innocence-laden, she breaks into a sweet, little smile 
That seems to ask, “Dad will you be quite a while?” 
He then moves to the door, gives his wife a little kiss 
And thus completes this picture of pure domestic bliss. 

Now in his shed, a few quiet blocks away 
On a makeshift table, all his equipment lay 
Polished and ready for his mission that night 
For the role he would play in his cause, his fight 
Which would ignite a panic, so chaotic and wild
That would engulf the lives of another mother and child.

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