Thursday, October 13, 2011


Victory is not simply a trophy in the cabinet
It is the recognition received for achieving one’s potential.
Victory is not just a medal around one’s neck.
It is the pride that comes from recognition received.
Victory is not simply a certificate in one’s hands.
It is the satisfaction gained from knowing one’s worth.
Victory is not just a plaque on the wall.
It is the knowledge that efforts exercised were worth it all.

Defeat in not the end of the road.
It is the origin for ventures new.
Defeat is not disaster in the making.
It is an assessment of what comes next.
Defeat is not wallowing in despair.
It is a test of our strength and depth of character.
Defeat is not about giving up.
It is about going on despite dull disappointment. 

Be it the victory we savour
Or defeat we bitterly endure
May we learn lessons for life
And rules for living
From these “twin impostors”

May they create character and destroy doubt
May they teach us what the journey of life is all about. 


Zia M. said...

I think your students would be much inspired by these words.

Alister said...

Hi Zia,

It was actually read out at an Awards assembly on Friday.
It was well received, Thanks.