Thursday, January 2, 2014

An Open Letter to the People of the World.

Dear People of 2013,
                It is now time to say farewell. It is time to leave you to your varying agendas as I slowly look back  in retrospection and try to place myself in some perspective in a minute corner of your lives. It is now time for me to sit back and make notes that can help me stake a claim on my rightful place in the history of this world.
                Pardon the interruption on your celebrations into bringing in the New Year, but my introspective nature requires some objective – perhaps, subjective, even? – assessment on the value my 365.25 days has added: to lives, old and young; to projects, big and small; to people, far and wide; and to dreams, simple and fantastic.
                With fairness, I admit that I come nowhere to being History’s pin-up boy: 1914, 1945, or 1963 would probably vie for top honours, and, to be honest, I would not want to be counted amongst those guns. They snatched innocence and turned boys into men far too long before their time. True, they changed and shaped history, but of greater certainty, they stigmatized and deformed humanity.
                Will I be remembered with fondness? Remembered with a smile on your faces when you are fondly nostalgic and say, “I remember where I was when I heard the news!” Like perhaps 1953, 1969 or 1989 when peaks were scaled, giant leaps where made and a wall came tumbling down? These were Eureka and breakthrough years – encapsulating in significantly microcosmic moments the ultimate spirit of human endeavour; moments that radiated the multi-fold magnificence of humanity. Dare I see myself in such splendour? Most certainly not! If anything, History might just record me as the year which took away with it an icon of global history, ushered in the birth of a royal baby, elected a New Pope and brought down sportsmen from the heights of glory.
                Looking back, I see myself as the journeyman, the everyman, the common man – the foot soldier, the man on the street. Likewise, I would like to be remembered by you, by each one of you – the ordinary man, the commoner whose life is not chronicled by an ever-hungry media and I would like to be remembered for what I mean or have meant to you on an individual level, on a level that you can understand and relate to. On a level that you can look back and hold me in reasonable value in the space of your own life, be it personal and private and/or professional and public.
                In retrospect, empathise with me. I wasn’t even supposed to be born. Remember your fascinations a year ago about Mayans, ‘safe’ bunkers and the end-of-the-world mantra which went viral? So, to have arrived on the back of such speculation was unnerving indeed! Now, that I have spent my time and have almost breathed my last days, I have one request of you, the people of this world and the custodians of 2014.
                2014 is another year in your lives, still very innocent and lacking in prejudices that might creep up as it grows older. 2014 is another 365.25 days in which you can add value to your own talents and lives, as well as the lives of those around you. 2014 is another step forward in your individual and our collective humanity. Give it a go! You are now the custodians of 2014. If you can cherish its value, learn its worth and create moments to remember, perhaps 2014 can be a better year for humanity as a whole. It might be a year that can surpass the collective brilliance of ’53, ’69 and ’89. It can possibly be a year that can make amends for the combined shame  of ’14, ’45 and ’63. But, remember this: it is your year and thus it is in your hands that the fate of 2014 rests. One hundred years ago, a war began: a war that was to end all wars. Unfortunately, it did not. Is it possible that one hundred years later, in 2014, can a peace begin: a peace that will be one that heralds all peace?
Idealistic, isn’t it? But, then 2014 is young enough to be idealistic; young enough to burn with the passion and fire of one who hasn’t yet been tarnished by the pangs of prejudice and the rancour of reality. Give it a go: give it all you have got. And perhaps then, 365.25 days from now, 2014 can look back and bask in a much more gratifying smile than I do.
All the best and cheerio to you.

My best wishes,

Yours in the years to come, 2013. 

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