Friday, May 13, 2016

The Seasons of Life

Today, the sun shines and excitement is fresh in the air
You are brimming with joy and the world is brilliantly fair
For nothing can match the gleaming glory in each eye
As you, on the fluffy clouds of achievement, blissfully fly

Yes, all is right with the world and why shouldn’t it be
For the sun’s rays twinkle and sparkle on all you can see
As you revel in your triumph as a person and a class
For it is another rite of life that today, you joyfully pass

And days like this one are bound to come again and again
For sunny optimism might peal a most joyful refrain 
But just remember that with the yin also comes the yang
So enjoy these days with all the smiles that you can

For the seasons of life; they can quite abruptly change
And summer’s sun can give way to a wintry wind that can range
From bitingly cold blasts to blinding snow and rain
And where once there was such pleasure, now there is pain.

And lonely days draw out in a ghastly gloom of despair
When through the storm you might cry, “Life, you are not fair!”
When you battle through and weather the storms that are thrown
As you are tossed, thrown and turned by the fierce gales blown

By this tempestuous tornado that whirls in our world
And makes some days a battle with life cruelly unfurled. 
But just remember that with the yin  also comes the yang
So battle these days with all the willpower you can

For just remember: if winter comes, can’t spring be far behind?
And if autumn falls, we can deal with summer’s scorching grind!
Yes, in these seasons of life we need to go with the flow
 And treat equally, autumn’s gloom and summer’s lustrous glow

So, when heavenly hibernation beckons, you can proudly say
I have enjoyed it all, each and every season-changing day
From the sunniest of smiles and the most stormy strife
I have enjoyed and endured: all the seasons of life!

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